Mailbag - August 2021

COMING FACE TO FACE Two old beauties finally meet to form the Twin Steeples Creative Arts Center in Ponchatoula, Louisiana, after sharing the same block for 120 years. (Photo: Stinky Mud Photography)
Compliments to Cindy
When I saw The West University Buzz on the table in the kitchen tonight, I was glad to see so many comments on Cindy Gabriel’s artistry as a writer. Cindy, you have a good voice, and people are listening. I’m glad that they’re paying tribute to you because you deserve it. You’re a damn good writer, good stories, well written, and I’m a fan.
H.R. Gordon
Kudos to Andria
Andria [Frankfort], just a note to say how much I love your articles, “Teen vocab primer No. 2” [Back Porch, July 2021] being the latest! You always hit the nail on the head with topics that make me laugh at myself and life in general. Well done.
Kristen Buck
Milestone moments
After a busy graduation week, we were so thrilled to receive so many text messages from our friends across West U and Houston to share the wonderful news that they saw Ella’s photo on the cover of The West U Buzz [June 2021]!
Thank you so much and to Nikky [LaWell] for a lovely photo shoot and this wonderful opportunity to showcase Ella’s compassion for service to her community and her college aspirations [in Class of 2021, by Jenna Mazzoccoli]. [Jenna,] it was such a pleasure to meet you and we look forward to continuing to follow your ongoing stories.
Annette Brissett
Editor’s note: See “Class of 2021: Where are they headed?” – our annual feature on Buzz-area grads and where they're off to college. Congratulations, Class of 2021!
Love the diving dogs
Loved your article on dogs who dive [Dock Diving: Leaping, wet, happy dogs, by Karen Vine Fuller, May 2021]! My 5-year-old yellow Labrador, Emma, has been dock diving for a couple of years at Houston Dog Ranch with Michele Scarantino. Emma is obsessed with all dock diving events. I have attached a short video of her for entertainment purposes.
Debby Gonzales
It’s a small Buzz world
The Buzz Magazines consistently makes us all feel connected to our community, and I have experienced this firsthand. I was recently contacted by someone who I hadn't seen in several years. She was the nurse, and I was the personal trainer for a man with some health challenges. After this nurse saw the article about Seders in The Buzz [Super Seders: Memorable traditions with a twist, by Jennifer Oakley, April 2020], in which I was featured (over a year ago), she reached out to the magazine for my contact information, and the connection was made. Her goal was to refer me to her current client who she felt would benefit from my experience. As it turns out, I have worked with her client years ago, someone who I greatly respected and had a wonderful relationship. What a privilege to be reunited! The universe and The Buzz work in mysterious ways!
Ellen Taer
Sharing Ramadan traditions
Thanks for the article [Ramadan Traditions: Fast, reflect, pray, give, eat, by Pooja Salhotra, May 2021]. It turned out great! I was so happy to read it and hear myself sound how I wanted to sound. That doesn’t always happen, and it’s testament to your great listening and reporting skills! Thank you for reflecting the richness of our traditions and helping us share them with others.
Zuhaira Razzack
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