Photo Contest

Chris Brown

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Photos appearing in

  • Charles Giraud, Mary Sue Hanks, Chris Brown, Anne Allen, Ann Craig, and Gus Comiskey

    Lamar "Redskin" cheerleaders Charles Giraud, Mary Sue Hanks, Chris Brown, Anne Allen, Ann Craig, and Gus Comiskey gather around the Big Chief mascot.

    From: Like No Time Had Passed
  • Kathy Sangster, Chris Brown, Mary Sue Hanks, Ron Woliver

    Senior class officers Kathy Sangster, Chris Brown, Mary Sue Hanks, Ron Woliver, with Ron's signature (Ronnie Woliver) in Carole Stevens' yearbook.

    From: Like No Time Had Passed
  • Divya Brown, Chris Brown, Ting Bresnahan, John Bresnahan

    Steering-committee members Divya and Chris Brown and Southside Place residents Ting and John Bresnahan, also steering-committee members. (Photo: Chinh Phan/Candlelight Group Photography)

    From: Symphony season