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Sarah Davis

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  • Sarah Davis, Mardi Turner, Burt Ballanfant, Susan Sample, Brennan Reilly, Bob Kelly

    Council members Mardi Turner and Burt Ballanfant, Mayor Susan Sample, Davis, council member Brennan Reilly and Mayor Pro Tem Bob Kelly

    From: Award-winning
  • Sarah Davis, Texas State Rep. District 134, speaks to the Beren Academy High School.

    Sarah Davis, Texas State Rep. District 134, speaks to the Beren Academy High School.

    From: Robert M. Beren Academy Hosts Rep. Sarah Davis
  • The students pictured are the Class of 2014 Valedictorians, who offered advice to younger Spartans. (Top row, from left) Joseph Kwak, Weijie Cheng, Katherine Mavergeorge, Ben Riedel, Brian Quinlan, Alison Utz, Ahmed Butt, Sarah Davis, Mary Kate Goss, (mid

    The students pictured are the Class of 2014 Valedictorians, who offered advice to younger Spartans. (Top row, from left) Joseph Kwak, Weijie Cheng, Katherine Mavergeorge, Ben Riedel, Brian Quinlan, Alison Utz, Ahmed Butt, Sarah Davis, Mary Kate Goss, (middle row, from left) Annie Ye, Emily Crawford, Zeriba Jahangir, Christy Zhang, Hernan Cepeda, Libby Gahn, Meg Mathias, Annie O’Keefe, Abby Brown, Katherine Kennedy, (bottom row, from left) Elaine Parizot, Anya Vaporciyan, Taylor Troutman, Phillip Chen, Eila Motley, Sarah Finklestein, Caroline Kelly, Anna Bergersen (Not pictured: Nathaniel Barbour, Hannah Lindsey, Justin Raine). Photo Credit: Rebecca Williamson

    From: How to Do High School Well