Photo Contest

Sherri Cooley

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Photos appearing in

  • Houston Junior Forum Fall Call Luncheon

    BEST DRESSED The Houston Junior Forum Fall Call Luncheon was attended by 181. Pictured is a group of active and sustainer presidents, some modeling a custom-made dress with embroidered detail. (Front row, from left) Janet Juban, Cecile Lambert, Betty Sirmons, Lauri Wasmuth, Nancy Taylor, Karen Hardin, Sherri Cooley, Lynn Gissel, Lynda Gilbreath, Paula Howeth, Judy Perkins, Carolyn Kares, Virginia Smith, Kay Newman, Mary Cooper; (back row, from left) Gayle Barnett, Debbie Berner, Susan Rosenbaum,  Kim Vidor, Krista Parker, Cindy Cochran, Lucia Street, and Jan Arrington.

    From: Rumor Has It - November 2024
  • Judy Perkins, Linda West, Susan Rosenbaum, Laura Bruce, Laura Hellums, Joey Rovira, Lauri Wasmuth, Sherri Cooley

    Judy Perkins, Linda West, Susan Rosenbaum, Laura Bruce, Laura Hellums, Joey Rovira, Lauri Wasmuth, and Sherri Cooley

    From: Spring shopping
  • Susan Rosenbaum and Sherri Cooley

    Susan Rosenbaum and Sherri Cooley

    From: Celebrating 75 years of HJF