Photo Contest

Arabella Benavides

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Photos appearing in

  • Arabella Benavides, Madeleine Barlow, Katherine Kemple, Nicole Shanks, Laura Anne Kobs and Amanda Hutchings

    Arabella Benavides, Madeleine Barlow, Katherine Kemple, Nicole Shanks, Laura Anne Kobs and Amanda Hutchings (Photo: Johnny Than)

    From: Les bons temps
  • AN EPIC JOURNEY In January 2017, the Sharma family led an expedition of 27 friends from Memorial to India. From left, first row: Mira Sharma, Dr. W. Hwang, Aaron Sharma, Daniel Peck, Hohyun Hwang, Arabella Benavides, Nabeel Uddin, Tara Molavi, Elizabeth Washburn. Second row: Doug Peck, Bruce Marion, Ash Sharma, Andy Hwang, Gina Hwang, Hosung Hwang, B.J. Hwang, Caroline Peck, Karen Peck, Lynne Marion, Yoosun Sharma, William Wilson and Yusuf Hadidi. (Photo: Doug Peck)

    From: Memorial meets India
  • Friends Rebekah Koehn, Katie Ohman, and Arabella Benavides in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany.

    Friends Rebekah Koehn, Katie Ohman, and Arabella Benavides in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany.

    From: Exploring the World One Summer at a Time
  • Kids

    Memorial High School exchange students stop for a photo op at the Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm. From left: David Salas, Nathan Morgan, Ethan Barr, David Lueders, Dori Hauk, Sam Kroger, Aaron Genin, Lillie Kram, Sam Altum, Nicholas Reger, David Cook, Rebekah Koehn, Carlos Fidalgo, Peyton Hance, Katie Ohman, Gabby Henning, Breno Nasser, Johnny Hurley, Caius Selheimer, Arabella Benavides and Philip Millmaker.

    Memorial High School exchange students stop for a photo op at the Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm. From left: David Salas, Nathan Morgan, Ethan Barr, David Lueders, Dori Hauk, Sam Kroger, Aaron Genin, Lillie Kram, Sam Altum, Nicholas Reger, David Cook, Rebekah Koehn, Carlos Fidalgo, Peyton Hance, Katie Ohman, Gabby Henning, Breno Nasser, Johnny Hurley, Caius Selheimer, Arabella Benavides and Philip Millmaker. - See more at:
    From: Stepping out of the bubble