Mailbag - December 2018

LIVING LARGE Cindy Gabriel shares a sunny day in Laguna Beach, Calif., with Stan “the Man” Ehrenkranz.
Living in the moment
Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your article, “When I’m 64” [When I'm 64: Comfortable in my own skin, by Cindy Gabriel, November 2018]. I especially liked the part about “One of my jobs is to be happy.” I am recovering from a traumatic brain injury suffered in a serious car accident several years ago. I can’t walk or talk yet, yet being the operative word, but I work hard at my PT and speech therapy and I continue to improve, which is what’s important, right? Living in the moment is something I have to continually work on, but your words helped me a lot today.
Anonymous Buzz resident
Editor’s note: While we don’t normally publish letters without names, we appreciate that this resident took the time to share their story with us and agreed to keep the writer’s name anonymous. We wish for a speedy recovery.
Liking the mature view of life
What an eloquent statement reflecting a mature view of life in Cindy Gabriel’s “When I’m 64: Comfortable in my own skin!” Thank you for sharing your “Glass Half Full” perspective. We would all benefit from your current job description: “One of my jobs is to be happy.” I plan to share this widely.
Frankie Ann Holmes
Sweet memories from cookbook story
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed taking a stroll down memory lane and remembering back to the days of writing the original Junior League of Houston Cookbook [50 Years of Junior League Cookbooks: A history of Houston women, told through recipes, by Andria Frankfort, November 2018]. The article you wrote was outstanding! I have heard so many nice comments from friends who loved reading about the history of our Houston cookbooks. It was a beautiful article and reminded me of all the fun times we had and the joy it brought to us.
All of our friends and family love The Buzz Magazines. It is always fun to read such interesting stories about the people right in your neighborhood. My granddaughter [Hollan Hensley] was on the cover of a “Back to School” issue [Too Cool for School: Hot fashions for back to school, by Tracy Hatfield, August 2008], and one of my grandsons [Harrison Kane] was on the cover about “Riverbend Boys” [by Michelle Casas Groogan, June 2010], so needless to say we love the magazine!
Alafair Kane
Editor’s note: Thank you, Alafair. We loved hearing that three members of the same family have appeared on separate covers over the years – we believe that’s a first for The Buzz.
Appreciated military-ball article
The article in the November issue on the Military Ball [Pomp and Circum-dance: Fun for all at Galveston's military ball, by Cathy Gordon, November 2018] was excellent. This annual function serves as an appreciation of all the young people, in our area, attending the military academies. These midshipmen and cadets are very dedicated and go unnoticed and represent a tangible part of the future of the United States. These young people offer up a great deal to attend these honored academies.
Minnette Carrabba
Inspired by new “Green” column
I enjoyed [Tracy Barnett’s] articles in the November [2018] Buzz [Going Green: Composting: the ultimate recycling and In Dad’s World War I footsteps]. I like to think I live on a street in Bellaire that participates in a variety of activities to help save the planet. Most if not everyone recycles. Many of us have rescue animals. A few of us compost and have gardens. One neighbor germinated seeds from her daughter’s orange and grapefruit and planted the seeds, and now has two fruit-bearing trees in her yard. Several of us have fig trees and use the figs. One neighbor raises quail in her backyard and eats the eggs they produce. Several people on our street plant milkweed and other butterfly-friendly plants to help the monarch butterflies. There are many, many people interested in green living in Bellaire! Keep up the good work!
Jean McNamara
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