Mailbag - November 2022

CREATURE FEATURE Emerson Beck and Mia Parker in front of a popular scene, where passersby can take “killer selfies” with their favorite horror-movie characters. (Photo:
From the Hallo-Queen herself
My street is a literally “Buzzing” after your article about my annual Halloween decorations [The Hallo-Queen: Mia Parker loves Halloween by Cheryl Ursin, Oct. 2022]! I attribute the increased traffic flow in my neighborhood to how much your magazine is read and enjoyed by many. Thank you all so much for spreading the joy of my fun tradition. Also, the title of the article – “Hallo-Queen” – has given me one of my first nicknames.
It is so endearing when someone walks up and asks, “Are you the Hallo-Queen?” On the lighter side, I also had a dear male friend say, “I saw your centerfold – wow!” Although your unbelievably talented photographer Michael Hart’s photograph of my “killer selfie” scene was a centerfold spread, I think I’ll just stick with the Hallo-Queen compliment!
Mia Parker, Hallo-Queen
Athleticism and altruism
In regards to Making the Team: Coming back from surgery in a big way by Andria Frankfort, Oct. 2022: I’ll never forget watching Eden [Epner] playing with a large bunch of boys and girls. They were playing tag-the-kid-with-the-ball. One kid would have the football and all the others would chase him/her. When someone tagged him, he would toss the ball in the air and whoever got it would run around until tagged. The kid with the ball would usually be caught within about 10-20 sec. Eden got the ball at one point and weaved in and out of the group with subtle fakes and turns, faster and more agile than all the others.
After about 25 seconds, I realized they would never catch her, but she suddenly stopped and tossed the ball up in the air so another kid could have the ball. I was so filled with admiration at her athletic skill and unselfishness; I have never forgotten it. I am so glad, but not surprised, that she has gotten to play lacrosse at such a high level!
Ron Fisher
Rumor has it…
I just wanted to send in my praise for the article about my son’s wedding [“Joy!” featuring Travis Swanson and Sarah Gubbels’ wedding] written in Rumor Has It by Sharon Brier for the October issue. She always uses such a creative flair in her description of events! I have been reading her column for years in either the Memorial Buzz and Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz. Being a native Houstonian, growing up in Memorial, I always enjoy catching up on the latest about my neighbors and friends.
Beth Benson Slaughter
Editor’s note: Congratulations on your son’s wedding and thank you for the feedback! Our Rumor Has It column runs in The Memorial Buzz and the Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz in print. Find all “rumors” plus additional photos online at
15 minutes of Buzz fame
Thank you for featuring my spring roll and fish recipes in the September 2022 issue [Recipes to Relish: New dishes to try this fall by Andria Frankfort]. I have heard from many friends and neighbors who are eagerly awaiting their invitation to dinner. It was a real pleasure to be interviewed by Andria Frankfort as I always enjoy reading her recipes in The Buzz. I was excited to see my love for cooking highlighted in this article. Thank you for providing me with my minute of fame!
Chris Catechis
Diving into water polo
Cheryl, just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I enjoyed The Water’s Fine article [by Cheryl Ursin, Aug. 2022] that you wrote about water polo becoming a UIL sport. Our boys have started playing in the past few years and we love the sport. It is action-packed and the outdoor matches have kind of a pool-party vibe to them.
The water polo community is very friendly and welcoming and a lot of the high school boys play club together in the offseason so when they meet in UIL competition it is often against friends that they know well who are club teammates. We are very happy that we found this sport. Thanks for highlighting it in your excellent article.
Jacob Johnson
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