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Krista Hensel

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  • Conversations from a Page literary salon

    The Conversations from a Page literary salon that Cindy Burnett hosts with cofounder Krista Hensel recently celebrated five years. 

    From: More Miscellaneous Book Stuff
  • Kristen Bird, Julia Heaberlin, Cindy Burnett, Krista Hensel,

    Kristen Bird selects Julia Heaberlin's thriller Night Will Find You as her favorite summer read. The two were paired at Conversations from a Page literary salon this summer. Pictured, sitting, from left: Kristen Bird and Julia Heaberlin; standing, from left: Cindy Burnett and Krista Hensel, who co-founded the Conversations from a Page series. 

    From: Late-Summer Reads Recommended by Authors
  • Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, Cindy Burnett, Krista Hensel,

    Literary salon Conversations from a Page recently hosted Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai. Pictured, from left: Cindy Burnett, Quế Mai, and Krista Hensel.

    From: Author Spotlight: Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
  • Cindy Burnett, Krista Hensel, Lynda Cohen Loigman, Madeline Martin

    Cindy Burnett (top left) and Krista Hensel (top right) from Conversations from a Page hosted Lynda Cohen Loigman (bottom right) and Madeline Martin (bottom left) earlier this month. (Photo: Kristen Flores)

    From: Conversations from a Page
  • Cindy Burnett, Nicola Harrison, Christi Clancy, Krista Hensel,

    Conversations from a Page is back in person and recently hosted authors Nicola Harrison and Christi Clancy.

    From: Miscellaneous Book Stuff: Little Free Libraries, Literary Gatherings, Bookish Gifts
  • Elise Hooper, Jennifer Robson, Cindy Burnett, Krista Hensel,

    Elise Hooper and Jennifer Robson (pictured, in front) were featured at a Conversations from a Page Literary Salon hosted by Cindy Burnett (back, on right) and Krista Hensel (back, on left). The authors spoke about their historical fiction novels. 

    From: Looking Back on a Very Bookish 2019
  • Cindy Burnett and Krista Hensel

    Friends Cindy Burnett and Krista Hensel run Conversations from a Page, where they introduce readers to authors. (Photo:

    From: Conversations from a Page
  • Cindy Burnett, Krista Hensel, Mary Kay Andrews

    Cindy Burnett (left) and Krista Hensel (right) hosted Mary Kay Andrews at a coffee where the author shared insight about her writing inspiration and process. 

    From: A Next-Level Book Club