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Walker Little

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  • Marvin Wilson, Walker Little

    GREAT KNIGHTS Episcopal Knights defensive tackle Marvin Wilson (left) announced his collegiate choice before a national television audience. Wilson, a Florida State signee, is seated next to Episcopal teammate Walker Little, who earlier had committed to Stanford University. On the far right is Episcopal running back Jake LeVrier, who signed with Texas Tech.

    From: SportzBuzz - March 2017
  • Walker Little

    STANFORD-BOUND Episcopal Knights offensive lineman Walker Little (#75) will play his collegiate ball at Stanford University.  Little had narrowed his choices to Stanford and Texas before announcing his pick during an on-campus ceremony.

    From: SportzBuzz - February 2017
  • Walker Little

    Walker Little (third from left) with parents Doug and Sara and siblings Dalton and Ellie. 

    From: Little’s Big Announcement