Mailbag - May 2018
Good evening back at you
Laura and I were so pleased to sit with Cathy Gordon [Good Evening, Friends: Catching up with Dave and Laura Ward, by Cathy Gordon, April 2018] and share a few stories. We don't do this very often, but I was so thrilled to have an opportunity to share a few things with my loyal friends and viewers. I couldn't be more pleased with the article and the love that I felt when I read it. It was actually quite emotional in a few areas. I thank The Buzz Magazines and [editor] Joni Hoffman for affording me the opportunity to connect with my friends. The comments and responses I've received on Facebook and on my website have been truly heartwarming. I miss the connection with my viewers, and I love hearing from them whenever possible. Once again, thank you for all you do for the community. It is appreciated by this veteran news anchor.
Laura and Dave Ward
Editor’s note: Thank you, Laura and Dave, for trusting us with your story and for all you two have done for our neighborhoods.
“That voice” gets them too
Dave and Laura Ward have been our best friends for decades. We literally laughed out loud when we read “It’s oddly disorienting hearing that voice in the context of casual conversation” [in Good Evening, Friends: Catching up with Dave and Laura Ward]. Indeed, even after all of these years, we’re often a bit surprised when we first hear his commanding voice.
Thank you for writing a lovely article that broadcasts the news about this kind gentleman. Thanks to The Buzz, Houstonians now know that Dave is a romantic with a heart of gold. A Houston gem!
Pamela and Jack Wright
Props from former Bellaire mayor
I have had notes, phone calls and many emails from as far north as Montana, west to California, south to Florida, East and West Coast, Georgia, my home state beautiful Ohio [about The Road Much Taken: The history and future of Loop 610, by Cheryl Ursin, April 2018]. Cheryl Ursin was wonderful. I remember your first issue. You all have the same wonderful enthusiasm for the written word that you had then.
Betty Janicek, Bellaire mayor 1991-92
Suggestion for next flower story
I was inspired by last month's feature on flower arranging [In Bloom: The art of arranging flowers, by Jennifer Oakley, April 2018]. As one of the featured enthusiasts [Debbie Robinson] noted, "Floral design is no longer about mass designs and formulas…." In fact, the opportunities for architectural creativity and symmetry are endless. I think the article resonated with me due to my lifelong interest in Japanese culture and horticulture. Might we see an article on ikebana [the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging] someday?
William Trout
Editor’s note: Great idea. We’d love to do a story on Buzz residents who practice ikebana as a hobby.
Important conversation
I loved Cheryl’s article on “Alcohol and Young Adults” [Alcohol and Young Adults: Drinking through “the quarter-life crisis,” by Cheryl Ursin, April 2018]. It was well written and informative. I really appreciate the information on warning signs and how to initiate the conversation with your loved one. Thank you for taking the time to listen and put our stories out there to raise awareness about addiction and alcoholism; it is so necessary, especially to your demographic where so many suffer in silence. There is hope.
Morgan Tijerina, Serenity Light Recovery
Rodeo nostalgia
Howdy. [The] rodeo story [Rodeo Families: Generations of volunteers, by Michelle Casas Groogan, March 2018] brought back memories. In the 1950s, our parents Asa and Alma Weldon (Weldon's Cafeteria) loved the Rodeo and bought champions. Really exciting and helpful to young FFA students raising Texas livestock!
Asa Weldon
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