Photo Contest

Colleen Michalec

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Photos appearing in

  • Barbara Files, Lisa Tames, Vicki Friedman, Colleen Michalec, Holly Hartman, and hostess Mary Reed Lankford

    A NICE NIGHT Enjoying chocolate liqueur shots at Mary Reed’s Naughty or Nice PJ party were (from left) Barbara Files, Lisa Tames, Vicki Friedman, Colleen Michalec, Holly Hartman, and hostess Mary Reed Lankford.

    From: Rumor Has It - February 2023
  • Mary Reed’s annual PJ birthday party

    ALL SMILES Lots of laughs were shared at Mary Reed’s annual PJ birthday/Christmas party. Pictured are (back row, from left) Perry McCall, Susan Davidson, Carla Bradford, Marissa Zdenek, Melissa Sanders; (middle row, from left) Gayle Price, Suzi Kieval, Vicki Friedman, Kathy Danna, Victoria Rushing, Ginny Glass, Ginny French; (front row, from left) Mary Reed, Colleen Michalec, Joanne Lammons, Jo Leever, Kathy Dannemiller and Judy Gordon.

    From: Lots of laughs

Photos appearing in