Private School Directory

Leigh Smith

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Photos appearing in

  • Phoebe Tudor, Leigh Smith, Allison Thacker, and Martha Finger

    Phoebe Tudor, Leigh Smith, Allison Thacker, and Martha Finger (Photo:Wilson Parish)

    From: Dancing with the Houston Ballet
  • Christopher Bradshaw, Kristy Bradshaw, Leigh Smith, Reggie Smith

    Christopher and Kristy Bradshaw and Leigh and Reggie Smith (Photo: Wilson Parish)

    From: Onstage dinner
  • Jim Nelson, Mackenzie Richter, Reggie Smith, Leigh Smith

    Jim Nelson, Mackenzie Richter, Reggie Smith, and Leigh Smith (Photo: Wilson Parish)

    From: Raising the barre
  • Melza Barr, Stanton Welch, Leigh Smith, Lina Hildago, and Lynn Wyatt

    Melza Barr, Stanton Welch, Leigh Smith, Lina Hildago, and Lynn Wyatt (Photo: Wilson Parish)

    From: Houston Ballet is back
  • Reggie and Leigh Smith and Kelley and Stephen Lubanko

    Reggie and Leigh Smith and Kelley and Stephen Lubanko (Photo: Wilson Parish)

    From: Heavenly evening
  • Melissa Juneau, Leigh Smith, Kelley Lubanko, Stephanie Tsuru, Beth Zdeblick, Amy LeBlanc Cloud and Jo Furr

    Melissa Juneau, Leigh Smith, Kelley Lubanko, Stephanie Tsuru, Beth Zdeblick, Amy LeBlanc Cloud and Jo Furr (Photo: Wilson Parish)

    From: Ballet ball