Photo Contest

Betty Hrncir

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Photos appearing in

  • Betty Hrncir, John Hrncir

    Betty and John Hrncir (Photo: Priscilla Dickson)

    From: Houston’s PetSet
  • Donatella Benckenstein, Julie Baker Finck, Betty Hrncir, Ginger Blanton,Lisa Jakel, Trish Morille

    BOOKISH BENCHES Five book-themed benches sponsored by the Ladies for Literacy Guild of the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation were dedicated in Barbara’s Memorial Garden at Barbara Bush Literacy Plaza. Pictured (back row, from left) Donatella Benckenstein, Dr. Julie Baker Finck, Betty Hrncir, Ginger Blanton; (front row, from left) Lisa Jakel, Trish Morille. (Photo: Jacob Power)

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2022
  • Brenda Love, Jana Arnoldy, and Betty Hrncir

    STYLING Seen at the Reflections on Style 2021 luncheon and fashion show to support the Salvation Army were (from left) Brenda Love, Jana Arnoldy, and Betty Hrncir. 

    From: Rumor Has It - June 2021
  • Trish Morille, Sidney Faust, Betty Hrncir and Julie Baker Finck

    Trish Morille, Sidney Faust, Betty Hrncir and Julie Baker Finck (Photo: Priscilla Dickson)

    From: Wit, wisdom and wonder
  • Betty Hrncir and Sidney Faust

    Betty Hrncir and Sidney Faust (Photo: Dave Rossman)

    From: Power of literacy
  • Betty Hrncir

    Betty Hrncir (Photo: Michelle Watson)

    From: Power of literacy
  • Sydney Faust, Carolyn Mann, Betty Hrncir and Ann Bookout

    Sydney Faust, Carolyn Mann, Betty Hrncir and Ann Bookout (Photo: Jenny Antill Photography)

    From: Reflections on style
  • Betty Hrncir, Susan Arnoldy Hansen

    Betty Hrncir and Susan Arnoldy Hansen (Photo: Debbie Porter Photography)

    From: Women of substance
  • Tea kick off

    Pictured (from left) at a Neiman Marcus tea kick-off are Diana “Stick” Delaup, Amanda Geilb, Betty Hrncir, Lilly Andress and Rhonda Jones. (Photo: Kim Coffman)

    From: Salvation Army fundraiser
  • Betty Hrncir, Tama Lundquist, Tena Faust, Trish Morille, Tracy Faulkner, Michelle Heinz

    (Seated, from left) Betty Hrncir, Tama Lundquist, Tena Faust; (Standing, from left) Trish Morille, Tracy Faulkner, Michelle Heinz (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Courageous Conversations: Human Trafficking in Houston
  • Kick off tea

    Neiman Marcus Houston and Stick Delaup and Rhonda Jones, Chairs of Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary "Reflection on Style" Destination Fashion hosted a tea to kick off the upcoming luncheon on April 17, which will honor Betty Hrncir. (From left) Stick Delaupe, Amanda Geilb, Betty Hrncir, Lilly Andress and Rhonda Jones

    From: 14th Annual Reflections on Style, Destination Fashion, Luncheon, Fashion Show and Chic Boutique
  • Deborah Dunkum, Betty Hrncir and Dorothy Nicholson

    Deborah Dunkum, Betty Hrncir and Dorothy Nicholson (Photo: Kim Coffman)

    From: Half a million
  • Betty Hrncir

    A LOVE OF READING Betty Hrncir reads to a Gallegos Elementary kindergarten student during the Curiosity Cruiser's debut. (Photo:

    From: Words on Wheels
  • Betty Hrncir, Stephanie Tsuru, Trish Morille

    THE POWER OF LITERACY Betty Hrncir (left), Stephanie Tsuru and Trish Morille collaborated on the Cursory Cruiser to bring books to children in low-income neighborhoods. (Photo:

    From: Words on Wheels
  • Tea

    The Salvation Army women brew up some fun to welcome new members at the Fall Tea. From left are Vicki West, Mary Maxey, Betty Hrncir and Lucy Lewis, Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary president. (Photo:

    From: Pass the tea
  • Betty Hrncir, Cece Hrncir

    Betty Hrncir, mom of grown boys Garret and Trent, loves shopping for her granddaughters, Cece, Casady and Mary Margaret. Pictured is 2-year-old Cece, delighted to see what grandma, known as "B," has in the box. (Photo: Kevin Long,

    From: Holiday Gift Ideas