Photo Contest

Stick Delaup

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Article Mentions

Photos appearing in

  • Maureen Higdon, Major Shelley Bell, Major Zach Bell, and Stick Delaup

    Maureen Higdon, Major Shelley Bell, Major Zach Bell, and Stick Delaup (Photo: Jenny Antill)

    From: Grand-slam gathering
  • Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary

    PRESIDENTS At a lunch for the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary are presidents past and present: (from left, front row) Stick Delaup, Deborah Dunkum, Gina Saour, Lucy Lewis, Rhonda Jones, (back row) Gayle Eury, Nancy Willerson, Major Melody Davis, Vicki West, Lilly Andress, Carole Sharpe, Mary Maxey, Judy McGee and Dorothy Nicholson. Not pictured: Ann Bookout and Brenda Devore.

    From: The past and future
  • Tea kick off

    Pictured (from left) at a Neiman Marcus tea kick-off are Diana “Stick” Delaup, Amanda Geilb, Betty Hrncir, Lilly Andress and Rhonda Jones. (Photo: Kim Coffman)

    From: Salvation Army fundraiser
  • Kick off tea

    Neiman Marcus Houston and Stick Delaup and Rhonda Jones, Chairs of Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary "Reflection on Style" Destination Fashion hosted a tea to kick off the upcoming luncheon on April 17, which will honor Betty Hrncir. (From left) Stick Delaupe, Amanda Geilb, Betty Hrncir, Lilly Andress and Rhonda Jones

    From: 14th Annual Reflections on Style, Destination Fashion, Luncheon, Fashion Show and Chic Boutique