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Sharon Cordes

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  • Sharon Brier, Michele Hosko, Sharon Cordes, Vicky Dyer-Smith, Sue Feinberg, and Frances Rubin

    GIRLS TRIP Friends (from left) Sharon Brier, Michele Hosko, Sharon Cordes, Vicky Dyer-Smith, Sue Feinberg, and Frances Rubin enjoyed their time at Sundance Film Festival. Here, they’re wearing PJs with photos from previous Sundance trips.

    From: Rumor Has It - March 2024
  • Sharon Cordes

    FUN-RAISING Sharon Cordes won a gift card to Tootsies at the Nancy Owens Breast Cancer fun-raiser.

    From: Rumor Has It - July 2023
  • Liz Andrews, Sally Salners, Michele Hosko, and Sharon Cordes

    MARGARITAS AND MERRIMENT The committee for the Tangle Lane Spring Fiesta included (from left) Liz Andrews, Sally Salners, Michele Hosko, and Sharon Cordes.

    From: Rumor Has It - June 2023
  • Mo Cordes, Sharon Cordes

    SPECIAL ANNY CELEBRATION Mo and Sharon Cordes celebrated their 40th wedding celebration in Turks and Caicos.

    From: Rumor Has It - August 2022

    MEET IN THE MIDDLE A female family reunion found fun despite the pandemic. First row: Nancy Dalinghaus, Nicole Curtis, Theresa Winkler, Emma Dalinghaus, Danielle Glotzbach, Mollie Hiltibrand, and Barbara Winkler. Back row: Janet Kramer, Sharon Cordes, Elaine Ice, Heather Ice, and Becky Brooks.

    From: Rumor Has It - February 2021
  • Tangle Lane

    Spring on over. Tangle Lane Spring party hosts and hostesses (from left) Jerry Hosko, Mo and Sharon Cordes, Bill and Alisha Johnson, Howard and Vicky Dyer-Smith, Liz Andrews, Iva Ann and Jim King; not pictured are: Michele Hosko, Sandi Greenstone, Sally Salners, Peg Austin, Anita Eigler, and Tracy Peddie. 

    From: Spring on over
  • Sharon Cordes, Paula Hunt, Anita Eigler

     Some of the newest Tangle Lane neighbors include (from left) Sharon Cordes and Paula Hunt with hostess Anita Eigler at the Tangle Lane Womens Happy Hour party.

    From: The mayor and happy women