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Rich Maloney

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    GOOD FRIENDS, BAD PEOPLE A group of friends celebrated New Year’s Eve with a game called Bad People. Pictured are (front row) Dennis and Lili Langlois, Ken and Mady Kades; (back row) Rich and Sharon Maloney, Mike and Sharon Brier; (sitting) John and Randi Steinmetz, Al Marcus; and (hidden from view) Barbara Marcus, Frances Rubin, Scott Frisbie, Michele Hosko and Scott Drysdale.

    From: Rumor Has It - February 2024
  • Sharon Brier, Sharon Maloney, Frances Rubin, Mirl Cohen, Vicky Dyer-Smith, Joan Lebow, Michele Hosko, Tammy Simi, Mike Brier, Rich Maloney, Scott Frisbie, Howard Dyer-Smith, David Lebow, Scott Drysdale, Warren Simi

    Sharon Brier, Sharon Maloney, Frances Rubin, Mirl Cohen, Vicky Dyer-Smith, Joan Lebow, Michele Hosko, Tammy Simi, Mike Brier, Rich Maloney, Scott Frisbie, Howard Dyer-Smith, David Lebow, Scott Drysdale, and Warren Simi

    From: Welcoming 2023
  • Sharon and Rich Maloney

    MILESTONE CELEBRATION Sharon Maloney’s milestone birthday was a winner with 30 besties to celebrate with at Masraff’s wine room. Pictured: Sharon and Rich Maloney. (Photo: Fred Paravada)

    From: Rumor Has It - June 2022
  • (From left) Pat Reddy, Rich Maloney, Ken Kades, Howard Dyer-Smith and Mike Brier, holding roses for their wives.

    (From left) Pat Reddy, Rich Maloney, Ken Kades, Howard Dyer-Smith and Mike Brier, holding roses for their wives.

    From: Rumor Has It: Sharon Brier’s ‘Bachelorette’