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Mary Grace Landrum

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Photos appearing in

  • Diane Davis, Kristi Barnhill, Joi Bishop, Jana Stiffel,  Roz Cooley, Susanna Jeu, Kathie Borgan, Jane Grace, Sherry Boni, Sharon Roarke, Judy Glasford, Mary Grace Landrum

    HOLIDAY HAPPENING The Memorial Drive Garden Club’s host committee for the holiday lunch awaits Santa and his helper. Pictured (sitting, from left) are Diane Davis, Kristi Barnhill, Joi Bishop, Jana Stiffel; (standing, from left) Roz Cooley, Susanna Jeu, Kathie Borgan, Jane Grace, Sherry Boni, Sharon Roarke, Judy Glasford, and Mary Grace Landrum.

    From: Rumor Has It - February 2024
  • WHAM

    Easter bunnies are doing good deeds. Club members distributed baskets at WHAM on March 30. (Pictured left to right: Deanna Harrington, Mary Ann Sterrett-Russell, Ginger Howell, Mary Grace Landrum, Joanie Baine, Susan Taggart, Gail O’Neill)

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2021
  • Mary Grace Landrum, Michael Landrum,

    Mary Grace Landrum (pictured, left) was recently reappointed to the OneStar National Service Commission. The oath was administered by Judge Michael Landrum (pictured, right). 

    From: Rumor Has It - November 2020