Photo Contest

Ben Kugler

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Photos appearing in

  • Ben Kugler, Elaine Kugler

    Flash (Ben Kugler) and his little sister, Super Girl (Elaine Kugler), ready to use their superhero skills to trick-or-treat as fast as they can on Halloween night 2006.

    From: Teal Pumpkins Make Halloween Less Nutty
  • Condit kindergarten class of 2007-08
  • Condit reunion

    Pictured, gathered at the Condit reunion were (first row, from left) Kaylen Janecek, Meg Pieri, Fred Bowyer, Heather Parker Drake, Carol Mandola, Christina Daly Meyer; second row, from left) Ethan Towber, Anna Macia, Lauren Ohler, Demi Papas, Kate Logan, Rachel Reed, Ishani Shethia, Maddie Stein, Rachel James, Lauren McAuliffe, Garrett Green, Abigail Shelby, Alexander Adrogue; (third row, from left) Liza Meyer,  Benjamin Dauber, Cameron Moore, Megan Frankel, Hailey Green, Spenser Dale, Ben Kugler, Ernesto Loera, Naveen Aiyer, Thomas Fuller, Tyler Vann; (fourth row, from left) Connor Young, Tobias Hill and Ming Perlman. Not pictured: Cara Kennedy, Ava Goodman, Kelly Watkins, Maddie Youngblood, Danielle Henry and Mr. Kenny Jones.

    From: Condit 2007 Kindergartners Kick Off Senior Year Together
  • Ben Kugler, Emma Youngblood, Lainey Kugler

    Ben Kugler, Emma Youngblood and Lainey Kugler (pictured, from left) had a “ball” dribbling through downtown with thousands of other kids during the 2016 NCAA Final Four Dribble in Houston. 

    From: Brackets, Baskets and Balls: March Madness
  • Class of 2020

    Lifelong friends from the Class of 2020 having a ball on the new playground blacktop included Thomas Fuller (St. Thomas), Donovan Meade (Bellaire), Ayush Krishnamoorti (Kinkaid), Michael Bell (Kinkaid), Cameron Moore (Strake Jesuit), Megan Frankel (Kinkaid), Abigail Shelby (St. Agnes), Tobias Hill (Lamar), Cara Kennedy (Episcopal), Lauren Ohler (Bellaire), Lauren McCauliffe (Bellaire), Ben Kugler (Bellaire) and Ming Perlman (Bellaire).

    From: From Kindergarten to Cars: Condit Cat Reunion
  • Broomball

    Food Allergy Research and Education hosted their 2nd Annual Back-to School Teen Broomball Social at the Ice at the Galleria. Pictured on the ice: Daniel Chen, Colyn Connor, Kyle Connor, Climon Hall, Vincent Iandoli, Ben Kugler, Elaine Kugler, Eric Kugler, Sebastian Lubisay, Indrani Maitra, Tyler McRae, Serina Menon, Imani Muhammad, Kyle Nguyen, Phuc Nguyen, Tyler Nguyen, Ryan Shu, Mallory St. Denis, Freddie Starks, Austin Tran, Autumn Tran, Emma Tran, Kevin Tran and Nathan Tran.

    From: FARE & Ice: Broomball for a Cause