Photo Contest

Nia Shetty

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Photos appearing in

  • Lorna Morris, Kai Gomez, Aaron Wu, Mark Vann, Nia Shetty, and Mateo Ramirez-Valentini

    ARC TOWARD JUSTICE St. John’s students Lorna Morris, Kai Gomez, Aaron Wu, Mark Vann, Nia Shetty, and Mateo Ramirez-Valentini (pictured, from left) attended the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

    From: Empowerment through diversity
  • cross country team

    The official St John's Girls XC 2023 Team photo; From Left: Coach Annaleese Pennay, Coach Melanie Margolis, Coach Rachel Fabre, Kori Hagins, Natalia Frost, Sofia Kiyama, Grace Pan, Fiona Bodmann, Jennifer Lin, Helen Yang, Thea Popovic, Katharine Yao, Nia Shetty, Janie Boom, Sarah Clark, Amanda Brantley, Emarie DiBella, Penelope Macpherson, Caroline Chiao, Lily Harvey, Mary Elizabeth Villa, Bryanna Micu, Claire Connelly, Avery DiNardo, Coach Haley Barrett, Amina Zegar, Annie Villa, Ashley Ringold, Lee Monistere, Cora West, Cate Adams, Jackie Berzin, Saira Merchant, Evie Laskaris, Catherine Dick, Caroline Harvey. (Photo courtesy of Rachel Fabre).

    From: Mavericks Girls XC: A Team Forging Its Own Path to Triumph
  • SCHOOL BUZZ A group of 2023-24 School Buzz correspondents gathered at The Emery/Weiner School to meet each other and take headshots for the upcoming year. Front row, from left: Donna Xue (Houston Christian), Madeleine Skaufel (St. Agnes), Keira Donovan (Memorial), Eden Williams (Westbury Christian), Sophia Wagner (St. Pius X), Kelsy Donovan (Memorial), Eli Karpas (Emery), Shyla Jogi (Bellaire), Audrey Nguyen (Saint Thomas' Episcopal), Solemei Scamaroni (The Village School), Catherine McClees (Stratford), Caroline Larrabee (Stratford); second row, from left: Tessa Harfenist (Duchesne), Julia Harfenist (Duchesne), Anjali Martinez (Carnegie Vanguard), Agnes Tang (Westbury Christian), Dani Barg (Emery), Emma Lai (Post Oak), Carver Hix (Strake Jesuit), Beatrix Gnemi (DeBakey High School); back row, from left: Anika Engler (Second Baptist), Charles Yu (Bellaire), Maggie Hester (St. John’s), Asia Williams (Lamar), Nia Shetty (St. John’s), Alexandra Wong (St. Agnes), and Jordan Muscal (Kinder HSPVA). 

    From: A Decade of School Buzz
  • Students

    The back cover shows all of the students involved in putting this edition of the iWRITER together: Eshaan Mani, Katie Giveon, Kate-Yeonjae Jeong, Nia Shetty, Prisha Shivani, Lexi Bumah, Austin Lopez, Annie Jones, Vedant Gupta, Mariah Adeeko, Sanjna Pandit, Alex Zhang, Halliday Mafrige, and Sophie Yu.

    From: Houston Teens Promote Awareness through Writing