Photo Contest

Helen Perry

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Photos appearing in

  • Helen Perry, Pam Sengelmann, Kristy Liedtke, and Deborah Dunkum

    CLASSICS A group of friends including (from left) Helen Perry, Pam Sengelmann, Kristy Liedtke, and Deborah Dunkum, got together for The Best of John Williams: Star Wars and More concert.

    From: Rumor Has It - July 2022
  • Valentines dinner

    Pictured at Sharon and Mike Brier's Single Girls Only Valentines Dinner are (left side) Marian Bell, Sue Shefman, Jill Reichman, Dr. Tracy Jakob, Lori Lazard and (in back) Frances Rubin; (right side) Jeannette Nestvold, hostess Sharon Brier, Helen Perry, Lynda Johnson, Mirl Cohen and Linda Suib.

    From: Valentines girls’ night in
  • Helen Perry's birthday

    Helen Perry "Un birthday" celebrates with "grandangels" Caroline, Bo and Charlotte Perry.

    From: Round 2
  • Birthday

    Balloons and giggles punctuated Karen Nakfoor's 60th-birthday party. From left are Cathy Smith, Margaret Pfeiffer, Susan Doherty, Helen Perry, Rosanna Blalock, birthday-girl Karen, Dorothy Paterson, Kitty Vann, Betsy Elick and Terry Harmon.

    From: Ten schoolgirls