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Grace Wilson

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  • SJS Varsity field hockey team

    The SJS Varsity field hockey team celebrates their SPC win. Pictured here are (bottom row, from left) Kelsey, Jennifer Trieschman, Lindsey McKone, Cameron Weiner; (second row, from left), Kate Copeland, Carson Copeland, Dani Loya, Elle Clonts, Reese Vogel, Mike Kleinstub; (third row, from left) Grace Wilson, Avery Morris, Izzy Chambers, Lizzy Ellison, Sarah Van Loh, Emily Pedrick, Sarah Grace Ritter, JaDa Johnson, Fred Fyhr; (fourth row, from left) Natalie Stone, Audrey Ledbetter, May McCabe, Brenda Mercado, Grace VanLoh; (back row) Terrie Warren, Craig Chambers, Isabel Windham, Virgil Campbell, Gordon Center, and John Vogel.

    From: Going for Gold

    SENIOR PARTY Pre-quarantine,16 Memorial High School senior girls – Reagan Goodwine, Maddie Luther, Annie Valicek, Lissy Sturges, Grace Wilson, Elizabeth Dunn, Hannah Schweitzer, Kate Weinstein, Emma Buesinger, Gabby Garofalo, Sienna Rall, Lala Garofalo, Claire Christman, Maclane Masraff, Peyton Mitchell and Sara Margaret Johnson – hosted friends for a pre-graduation party at Life HTX. 

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2020
  • Hannah Schweitzer, Grace Wilson,

    MHS juniors Hannah Schweitzer and Grace Wilson check out the stadium and Mississippi State. (Photo: Wilson family)

    From: Memorial Mustangs Have College on Their Minds
  • Students and teachers from Memorial

    ROME-ING Students and teachers from Memorial explore the Roman Colosseum. In front: Cinco Sturges. Front row, from left: Jett Gealy, Alexander Lincoln, Elizabeth Dunn, Peyton Mitchell, Maclane Masraff, Grace Wilson, Lala Garofalo. Second row, from left: teacher Mary Reed, Lindy Haas, PK Raines. Top row, from left: teacher Charles Reed, Chase Scarborough, Gabby Garofalo, Kate Weinstein, Lissy Sturges, Maddie Luther, Alexandra Pappas, Madeline Dukes, Hannah Schweitzer, Morgan Matheny, Emma Buesinger, Claire Christman.

    From: Famous students
  • Thomas Cooper, Isabelle Nuzzo, Lala Garofalo, Mary Kristen Cokinos, Luke Chapman, Grace Wilson

    Sophomores Thomas Cooper, Isabelle Nuzzo, Lala Garofalo, Mary Kristen Cokinos, Luke Chapman and Grace Wilson cheer on the Mustangs at Tully Stadium. (Photo: Mary Kristen Cokinos)


    From: Rockers Represent at MHS Pep Rally
  • St. John’s Mavericks

    TOP GOLF The St. John’s Mavericks made school history by winning their first SPC Girls Golf Championship. From left: Olivia Zhang, Morgan Sholeen, Grace Wilson, Christine Wang, May McCabe, Denise Pan and coach Joseph Soliman.

    From: SportzBuzz - June 2017
  • Ribbon cutting

    Seniors Reese Vogel, Grace Wilson, Sarah VanLoh and Kate Copeland cut the ribbon in the opening ceremony for the water turf field. (Photo: Audrey Ledbetter) 

    From: New Water Turf Field at St. John's School
  • Hannah Schweitzer, Lissy Sturges, Grace Wilson and Annie Valicek

    Incognito and in front of the Supreme Court were (from left) Hannah Schweitzer, Lissy Sturges, Grace Wilson and Annie Valicek, who walked miles from monuments to government buildings.

    From: Supreme mom and daughter trip
  • Lady Bears

    Lady Bears

    From: Tournament champs