Photo Contest

Trish Morille

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  • Donatella Benckenstein, Julie Baker Finck, Betty Hrncir, Ginger Blanton,Lisa Jakel, Trish Morille

    BOOKISH BENCHES Five book-themed benches sponsored by the Ladies for Literacy Guild of the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation were dedicated in Barbara’s Memorial Garden at Barbara Bush Literacy Plaza. Pictured (back row, from left) Donatella Benckenstein, Dr. Julie Baker Finck, Betty Hrncir, Ginger Blanton; (front row, from left) Lisa Jakel, Trish Morille. (Photo: Jacob Power)

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2022
  • Lilly Andress, Ginger Blanton, Trish Morille, Gina Saour, Sandra Shenkir, Hayley Stewart, Karen Baker, Eleni McGee

    Lilly Andress, Ginger Blanton, Trish Morille, Gina Saour, Sandra Shenkir, Hayley Stewart, Karen Baker, and Eleni McGee with students. (Courtesy of the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation)

    From: The places you’ll go
  • Trish Morille, Sidney Faust, Betty Hrncir and Julie Baker Finck

    Trish Morille, Sidney Faust, Betty Hrncir and Julie Baker Finck (Photo: Priscilla Dickson)

    From: Wit, wisdom and wonder
  • Trish Morille, Lisa Sheinbaum, Gisela Cherches,

    Pictured (from left) Trish Morille, Lisa Sheinbaum and Gisela Cherches gathered to watch Let Freedom Ring together. 

    From: Let Freedom Ring: HMH Celebrates International Day of Peace
  • Trish Morille, Lisa Sheinbaum

    Long-time friends Trish Morille and Lisa Sheinbaum co-chaired the "Let Freedom Ring" virtual event. 

    From: Let Freedom Ring: HMH Celebrates International Day of Peace
  • Niloufar Molav, Trish Morille

    At the Barbara Bush Ladies for Literacy Meeting, hostess Niloufar Molav congratulates Trish Morille on her position as the new president of the Ladies for Literacy Guild.

    From: No loss of words
  • Trish Morille, Sue Smith

    Trish Morille and Sue Smith (Photo: Jenny Antill)

    From: Hollywood in Houston
  • Katherine Morille and Trish Morille

    Katherine Morille and Trish Morille

    From: Post-run fun
  • Betty Hrncir, Tama Lundquist, Tena Faust, Trish Morille, Tracy Faulkner, Michelle Heinz

    (Seated, from left) Betty Hrncir, Tama Lundquist, Tena Faust; (Standing, from left) Trish Morille, Tracy Faulkner, Michelle Heinz (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Courageous Conversations: Human Trafficking in Houston
  • Betty Hrncir, Stephanie Tsuru, Trish Morille

    THE POWER OF LITERACY Betty Hrncir (left), Stephanie Tsuru and Trish Morille collaborated on the Cursory Cruiser to bring books to children in low-income neighborhoods. (Photo:

    From: Words on Wheels
  • Charlene Slack, Carol Deason, Claudia Kreisle, Trish Morille, Catherine Wile

    Charlene Slack, Carol Deason, Claudia Kreisle, Trish Morille, Catherine Wile (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Courageous Conversations
  • Trish Morille

    Trish Morille (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Courageous Conversations
  • Rock Morille, Trish Morille

    Rock and Trish Morille. (Photo: Roswitha Vogler)

    From: Celebrating History in the Making: Crime Stoppers of Houston 2016 Gala