Julia Boyles
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When I was a freshman at Memorial High School, I took a photojournalism class and fell in love with it from the start. I loved going out and taking photos that showed emotion and told a story about people, nature, architecture and much more. I also enjoyed the process of editing and storytelling via captions and other written descriptions. That class persuaded me to apply to become a yearbook staff member and it has made my passion for journalism so much greater. Additionally I took broadcast journalism which opened up an even larger perspective on where my future may take me as I enter my senior year of high school. I find Journalism fascinating.
Articles Authored
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Article Mentions
By Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld |
September 28, 2018
People in this article:
Mary-Ellen Abshire, Zaid Ali, Jack Avedesian, Sugat Borthakur, Julia Boyles, Brady Brazda, Ryan Chang, Allison Clark, Rory Coyne, Lauryn Curl, Katie Davis, Andrew Duong, Bronwyn Fogarty, Katie Giveon, Puneetha Goli, Geneve Goltz, Tate Grant, Eric Hang, Arielle Harris, Celia Houston, Elliott Jones, Zoe Kass, Payton Kim, Reena Kudchadker, Hallie Lyons, Halliday Mafrige, Eli Maierson, Connor McGovern, Kevin Mckenna, James McWhinnie, Connor Morley, Stevie Nates, Isabelle Nuzzo, Michelle Pakel, Elyse Pedrick, Davis Rae, Julia Rae, Aliyah Robertson, Rahul Rupani, Liana Salehian, Merriam Scafide, Dania Siddiqi, Anna Siegel, Ishani Shethia, Jenna Talisman, Amber Thomas, Kelly Thomas, Vivian Wu, Miriam Yampuler
Photos appearing in
Photos appearing in
From: 2018 Buzz Summer Interns