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Sue Shefman

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    EVERYTHING BLOOMING The Memorial Drive Garden Club took a field trip to the Brookwood Community, where they had a colorful tour of the nursery and made many purchases. Front row: Sushila Mathew, Marsha Floyd, Geetha Mammen, Sharon Brier, Hansa Mehta, Jeannette Nestvold, Barbara Upchurch, Susan Davis, Diane McDaniel, and Judy Glasford; Back row: Rachel Messina, Jana Stiffel, Rochelle Lootens, Amy Winstead, Sherry Boni, Pat Moon, Christine Padon, Susanna Jeu, Alice Bing, Spook Willoughby, Sharon Roark, Sandy Wilkens, Landa McClain, Mary K Burtner, Beverly Mattern, Mala Salvador, Carol Maresh, Jenny Blanc, Sue Shefman, Susan Diehl, and Connie Dalton. 

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2024
  • MAH JONGG MAMAS The “Mah Jong Mamas” recently celebrated 25 years of friendship. Pictured, front row: Sue Shefman, Martee Fuerst, Marilynn Branca; back row: Jill Rose, Sherry Barker, Toni Meason, Lacey Carey, Bonnie Vanhook, and Diane Menscher. Not pictured: Mary Beth Cody, Judy Stockton, and Seanne Klingensmith.

    From: Rumor Has It - October 2023
  • Valentines dinner

    Pictured at Sharon and Mike Brier's Single Girls Only Valentines Dinner are (left side) Marian Bell, Sue Shefman, Jill Reichman, Dr. Tracy Jakob, Lori Lazard and (in back) Frances Rubin; (right side) Jeannette Nestvold, hostess Sharon Brier, Helen Perry, Lynda Johnson, Mirl Cohen and Linda Suib.

    From: Valentines girls’ night in