Photo Contest

Jack Avedesian

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Photos appearing in

  • Seniors

    These former Roberts Elementary classmates, all 2019 graduating seniors, reunited at Roberts to celebrate graduation. Pictured are (top row, from left) Ellie Delgado, Ryan Quenemoen, Jeff de Groot, Nolan Bernes, Jao Mitchell, Sean Lau, Troy Hayes, Carter Hou; (middle row) Daniel Chen, Camilla Manning, Jessica Bonnen, Austin Beebe, Jack Avedesian, Emerson Knapp, Sarah Lai, Terrell Benne, Tate Toole; (bottom row) Evan le Blanc, Natasha Haq, Heidi Li, Andie van Ravenswaay, Kaitlyn Altamirano, Alex Couvillon, Chloe Starr, Juliana Aviles, Celine Waxham, Annabelle Wang and Alex Chen. (Photo: Edward Aviles)

    From: Roberts reunion
  • SCHOOL BUZZ 2018-19

    SCHOOL BUZZ 2018-19 Some of our correspondents gathered before the start of school to coordinate for the upcoming year. (Front row, from left) Elliott Jones, Episcopal; Geneve Goltz, Lamar; Vivian Wu, Awty; James McWhinnie, Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School; Eli Maierson, SJS; Jack Avedesian, Emery; (sitting on chairs) Halliday Mafrige, Duchesne; Liana Salehian, Debakey; (back row, from left) Amber Thomas, Second Baptist; Ariya Selvakumar, HSPVA; Davis Rae, St. John’s School; Aliya Robertson, Westbury Christian; Brady Brazda, The Kinkaid School; Eric Hang, SJS, Ryan Chang, SJS, Andrew Duong, SJS; (standing) Connor McGovern, St. Thomas; (sitting on table) Lauryn Curl, Emery; Katie Giveon, Duchesne; Mary-Ellen Abshire, STES; Celia Houston, STES. (Photo:

    From: School Buzz - Meet our 2018-19 correspondents
  • Jack Avedesian

    Buzz intern Jack Avedesian and the blue Lego figure hold an engaging conversation. (Photo: Kelly Thomas)

    From: Houston’s Newest Residents: LEGO Park People
  • Abby Cohan, Jack Avedesian

    Buzz summer interns Abby Cohan and Jack Avedesian stood in awe, absorbing all of the changing colored lights at the Cistern. (Photo: Trudi Smith)

    From: Contrasts at The Cistern