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Karis Chen

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Photos appearing in

  • Anything But a Backpack Day

    Excited for the upcoming Spirit Week, student council representatives (from left), Charles Yu, Luke Wang, Sara Shen, Audrey Han, Ellen Dai, Saanvi Sadana, and Karis Chen show off their respective equipment for Anything But a Backpack Day. (Photo: Saanvi Sadana).

    From: High Hopes, Higher Spirits: Bellaire’s 2023 Spirit Week
  • senior sunrise

    Lingering behind towers of bagels, Bellaire Student Council members Audrey Han, Luke Wang, Sara Shen, Karis Chen, Saanvi Sadana, and Charles Yu prepare to dish out complimentary breakfast for the seniors. 

    From: Cardinals Shine a New Light on Senior Year
  • The Lions of the West University Softball Association Intermediate Machine Pitch division

    The Lions of the West University Softball Association Intermediate Machine Pitch division

    From: Hear them roar